Kartographierte Impulse einer Bewegung

„Kartographierte Impulse einer Bewegung“ (translated “Cartographed Impulses Of A Movement”) is a work series including photographies and two video installations – “Der Zeitungsspaziergang” and “Mapping Memory 2.0“. It was hosted as a solo exhibition by the Moltkerei Gallery in summer 2016.

Installation View “Der Zeitungsspaziergang”

Installation View “Mapping Memory 2.0”

Mass Media not only shapes our perceptions and opinions of our immediate environment; it shapes our idea of the world.

One of the big media issues of the last years was the media itself, or more precisely: the dwindling confidence of large parts of the audience in the classic coverage of the mass media, while right-wing populism is growing.

Same time since the Cologne New Year’s Eve 2015/16 contents about refugees in mass media has changed radically. That is the result of a study by the Macromedia University. Since new years eve refugees and people of color have been put into the focus of reporting as suspected violent offenders, while the growing violence against people of color and specifically on muslims is hardly addressed.

Especially this fact creates a kind of “newspaper-blindness” and the image of an newspaper-mask.

Although printed media as newspapers are seen as outdated media, their headlines have their visible stage in public space.You find them on Billboards, Newsstands, Posters or in the hand of your subway neighbour. Also the contents are repeatedly picked up and found again in randomly listened dialogues of passers in the city. Thematically, the work deals with the phenomenon – visibility of the mass media, specifically focused on the newspaper and it’s power to form opinion in public space.